
Building Conservation Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
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Icon brings together people with a passion for the care of cultural heritage. We champion excellence and promote the value of caring for heritage. Icon’s vision is for cultural heritage to be valued a...
Icon brings together people with a passion for the care of cultural heritage. We champion excellence and promote the value of caring for heritage. Icon’s vision is for cultural heritage to be valued and accessible and for its future to be enhanced and safeguarded by excellence in conservation.Icon raises awareness of the cultural, social and economic value of caring for heritage and champions high standards of conservation

We represent nearly 2,500 individuals and organisations. Icon’s membership incorporates not only professional conservators and conservation cientists, but also volunteers, heritage professionals and many others who share a commitment to improving understanding of and access to our cultural heritage. Most of our members are UK-based but many also work internationally.

Conservation of cultural heritage protects the things we value for now and for the future. It enables the care and safeguarding of the tangible cultural heritage, from a cherished family heirloom to a national treasure, such as the Staffordshire Hoard. The practice of conservation encompasses artworks, architecture, archaeology as well as industrial, natural and social history collections whether they are held by museums, heritage organisations or other private or public collections.

Our Charitable Objects are:

- To advance the education of the public by research into and the promotion of the conservation of items and collections of items of cultural, aesthetic, historic and scientific value; and
- To preserve and conserve items and collections of items of cultural, aesthetic, historic and scientific value.
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