
Building Conservation Network
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Architectural Terracotta
Architectural Terracotta
  1.   Architectural Terracotta
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Priory Architectural Terracotta manufactures bespoke, hand pressed terracotta for architectural restoration and new build projects. Its small team of dedicated and highly skilled craftsmen have the ar...
Priory Architectural Terracotta manufactures bespoke, hand pressed terracotta for architectural restoration and new build projects. Its small team of dedicated and highly skilled craftsmen have the artistry and experience to create the full range of architectural terracotta details.

Operating throughout the UK on projects residential or commercial, ecclesiastical or institutional, Priory Architectural Terracotta can reproduce the vast array of ornamental components that are common in façade restoration and actively engage in the creative process on new designs.

Priory Architectural Terracotta takes projects from concept to fabrication, supplying a hand-crafted product specific to your needs.
  1.   Architectural Terracotta
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Darwen Terracotta's experience in architectural terracotta and faience has an impressive pedigree. The skilled team have many years experience in the industry, having worked on both restoration and...
Darwen Terracotta's experience in architectural terracotta and faience has an impressive pedigree.

The skilled team have many years experience in the industry, having worked on both restoration and new build projects for some of the most prestigious buildings in the UK, Europe, North America and Canada.

The company has the specialist skills required to design, sculpt, match and produce terracotta and faience to the highest standard to restore any building.

Darwen Terracotta's technical ability in the matching of detail, blending of clays and moulding of clay bodies is well known within the industry. It understands how fired clay improves with age, and weathers to produce subtle nuances of shade and colour.
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