
Building Conservation Network
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Suppliers of timber for restoration and repair work, including the principal timber species commonly found in historic buildings, such as English oak
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    Venables Oak

    Venables Oak -- Oak Specialists in Shropshire

    Venables Oak is the trading name of Venables Brothers Ltd, a name synonymous with oak and hardwoods for over 150 years. Based in Shropshire, UK, as bespoke joiners and timber suppliers Venables Oak has a lifetime’s experience in working with wood,...
    Venables Oak -- Oak Specialists in Shropshire

    Venables Oak is the trading name of Venables Brothers Ltd, a name synonymous with oak and hardwoods for over 150 years. Based in Shropshire, UK, as bespoke joiners and timber suppliers Venables Oak has a lifetime’s experience in working with wood, from cathedral roofs to dining tables.
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