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Established in 1989, Triton are specialists in external refurbishment with an emphasis on architecturally significant buildings. Past projects include the Royal Exchange, The Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, the Lyceum Theatre, the Athenaeum Club and the Criterion Theatre. Triton Building Restoration have been trading under the same ownership longer than any of its competitors.
Triton have undertaken main contract works on numerous large projects in the London area up to a value of £3m. These works involved comprehensive external refurbishment and occasionally common parts internally. Triton specialise in the following areas: Quality repair work to masonry, including stone, terracotta, faience, stucco, brick and concrete. Façade cleaning. Window repair and replacement. All types of roofing works. Cast iron rainwater goods and architectural and ornamental leadwork. Ancillary trades. Triton supplement its direct labour force of stone masons and restorers with sub-contractors from our Quality Assured database. This ensures projects are completed within an agreed programme and to the expected high standards. Full surveys and technical reports are part of our service. Each project is allocated a full time site manager. A qualified 'in-house' Safety Manager who oversees all aspects of Health and Safety and CDM Regulations. |
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