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St Astier Natural Hydraulic Limes (NHL) and derivative products have been produced by the same families since 1851. The ...
St Astier Natural Hydraulic Limes (NHL) and derivative products have been produced by the same families since 1851. The mineralogical characteristics of the raw materials, the manufacturing process and the quality controls are such that users are assured of the constant performance of the products. The experience acquired over the years is shared with the user through the assistance available from the Technical Department and from carefully chosen specialist distributors, able to assess the type of lime mortar, plaster or render required. This is especially important in Conservation and Restoration, where mortars should be project specific in order to ensure their compatibility with existing materials and the fabric of the buildings.

In new build St.Astier Limes have developed a range of binders and ready mixed mortars combining all the characteristics required by today’s builder in terms of speed of setting, strength, elasticity, plasticity, low capillarity and shrinkage, with the breathability and aesthetic quality of lime mortars. The result is that these lime mortars are becoming the obvious alternative to cement mortars also in the new build and eco build sectors.

The ecological benefits of lime mortars such as CO2 re-absorption and condensation control provide vital answers

To some of today's environmental and energy saving requirements which cannot be ignored by the professions and trades involved in the protection of the built heritage and in the construction of our new living environment.

The purpose of this web site is to provide as much information as possible to the specifier and the user, so that correct choices can be made on scientific and practical bases. This information, together with the quality of the products and the co-operation and technical assistance of the Manufacturer and its distributor network, are the main reasons of the success of St. Astier hydraulic limes worldwide.

St. Astier natural hydraulic limes (NHL) and lime mortars have been adopted in a number of countries and in the most diverse climatic conditions, from the Arctic circle to the desert, from marine locations to high mountain sites.They have been and are used on some of the most important world heritage sites, in vernacular and ordinary buildings, in reproducing the characteristics of ancient mortars as well as providing solutions to modern architectural mortar requirements. The technical expertise at hand will also assist in achieving engineering solutions when an alternative to cement mortars is required.
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