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Carden & Godfrey Architects was established in 1946, with projects centred on post-war reconstruction, and we continue to specialise in all aspects of conservation and historic building work, including sensitive alterations and extensions in traditional and contemporary design and new buildings including on historically sensitive sites. We are passionate about good design, high quality detailing and finding sustainable, bespoke solutions to keeping existing and historic buildings in good repair and use.
We are based in Central London and work primarily in London and the Home Counties as well as in Beverley. We are a RIBA Chartered Practice and several members of our team are Architects Accredited in Building Conservation (AABC). In all our projects we try to nurture a studio-based approach to sharing work and discussing new designs in an open forum. This is a valuable way of exchanging and developing ideas and experience and sharpens our focus on good architecture and building conservation as products of well-informed design and co-operation across the board. |
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