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Heritage Testing Ltd is an independent commercial laboratory & test consultancy, serving the private, public, conservation, commercial, & industrial sectors. Our services include:-
- Historic building materials analysis. - Environmental Contamination analysis & assessment. - Soils Physical & Chemical Testing & Classification. - Structural Materials analysis. - Cement Content & Mix Proportion / Mix Detail determinations. - Investigation & diagnosis of defects & deleterious components within concrete structures. - Bridge & Concrete Surveys. - Asbestos fibre identification. - Quality Control testing / monitoring. - Provide lead paint and dust test kits for laboratory analysis. - Laboratory determination of lead content of soil or water. - Swab, wipe, and vacuum sampling of lead contaminated carpets and surfaces. - Lead paint - Analysis for Lead and other toxic metals in paint. - Lead dust - Residential and commercial survey of lead dust / residual lead in dust. - Advice on clean-up of lead paint dust that has been inappropriately sanded. - Lead test - Lead clearance tests following contractor refurbishment or redecoration works. - Afterclean Leadcheck - Construction dust and after builders cleaning lead check. |
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