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Conservation PD (Planning + Design)
The practice offers comprehensive architect / conservation architect and conservation consultant expertise, which has achieved national awards. We offer full architect / conservation architect services from project inception to completion on site, as well as consultancy services to other practices and their clients. Services include: HISTORIC BUILDINGS + CONTEXTS - the repair, re-use and extension of listed buildings; - sensitive designs in the historic environment (historic settings, conservation areas, designated and undesignated contexts of significance); INTERIORS + REFURBISHMENT - the repair and restoration of historic interiors; - the introduction of contemporary elements in historic interiors that reconcile the historic with the contemporary; - the remodelling of historic interiors to provide for contemporary re-use, in a manner that does not detract from the special interest of the listed building while providing for contemporary use expectation; - the design of bespoke fitted furniture in appropriate contemporary or historic styles; CONSULTANCIES + APPRAISALS - the research and production of the full range of documents that assist the appraisal and management of the historic environment, such as Options Appraisals, Conservation Plans, Proposals Justification Statements, Assessments of Asset Significance, Design Guidance; - client advice and negotiations with Statutory Authorities on all matters of Planning Consents (e. g. Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent, Conservation Area Consent), Listed Building Fire Safety and compliance with Approved Documents (Building Regulations Approvals); - townscape regeneration, buildings at risk and grants; APPEALS - the full range of appeals (written representations, informal hearing, public inquiry); MONUMENTS - assessments and recommendations. |
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