Castria offers an integrated architecture and engineering service through a truly collaborative design process and our c...
Castria offers an integrated architecture and engineering service through a truly collaborative design process and our creative business culture. Our talented team of architects, engineers, surveyors and designers apply their technical expertise and imaginative problem-solving skills to a wide range of sectors and scale of projects.
For all projects we aim to provide an excellent service and value for our clients. We want to contribute to great placemaking, to be instrumental in reducing impact on the natural environment and in sustaining the historic environment.
OUR SERVICES - We are professionals in managing and delivering design, leveraging on knowledge from a variety of disciplines to customise a project particularly to the demands of our clients.
We deliver the aspirations of our clients from feasibility study to concept design, from detailed design to interior architecture. We do this by listening carefully and researching the project brief, prioritising the client’s objectives, providing inspiration and understanding the budget.
The team always work closely with the client to evolve, and deliver design excellence throughout planning, procurement, and the construction phases of a project.
We offer a full architectural design, Principal Designer, Interior Architecture and contract administration services in sectors spanning hospitality, civic, cultural, residential, defence, education, commercial, and industrial.
Our engineering team is highly experienced across a wide range of sectors including commercial, residential, civic, industrial, and education but with specific specialist expertise in the defence sector and in marine structural, environmental, and civil engineering. We provide flood risk services as part of our core offer.
We strive for cost effective solutions for all our projects, but also those which best meet the project objectives. We work with the wider team to achieve excellent outcomes for interventions in the more sensitive historic and natural environments to maintain their values and to minimise impact. Where innovation is needed, we provide expertise and guidance on appropriate strategies and the management of risk.
The engineering team can be augmented to cover Building Services, specialist survey and access activities for a reassuringly comprehensive and integrated design team offer.
Castria is expert in managing change in the historic environment, with specialists across the disciplines in strategic heritage management, conservation practice and conservation engineering. We are knowledgeable in methods of conservation and repair, adept at the creative and sustainable adaptation of heritage properties and in introducing new build structures and interventions sensitively within the historic environment.
The work we do for visual inspections, Quadrennials and Quinquennials is supplemented with the latest technology supporting our conservation work using 3D point cloud survey data, the use of drones and ground penetrating radar.
Masterplanning is fundamental to sustainable development, and we place great significance as a team on designs which involve the community in shaping the built environment. We are experienced in integrating urban design principles in all types of development, landscape design-led approaches, experiential design, low carbon strategies, community consultation and more creative engagement practice.