
Building Conservation Network
Period Property Restoration and Conservation
  • A Future for Historic Windows - Conference - 27th & 28th June

    The push to insulate our homes due to the rising cost of energy, but also the challenge of climate change, is rightly pointing a spotlight on draughty single-glazed sash and casement windows.

    This two-day conference and evening gathering, supported by SPAB and The Green Register, brings togeth...
    The push to insulate our homes due to the rising cost of energy, but also the challenge of climate change, is rightly pointing a spotlight on draughty single-glazed sash and casement windows.

    This two-day conference and evening gathering, supported by SPAB and The Green Register, brings together experts in the history, repair and retrofit of historic windows, and the design and manufacture of new joinery. It will be of interest to anyone in the heritage sector who would like to join the debate and understand more.

    Understanding the history and significance of windows
    Clues for dating windows based on physical evidence
    Historic glass and modern glazing systems
    Specifying repair, and paint finishes
    The science of heat loss and retrofitting existing windows
    Justifying the case for replacement, and looking at the options

    The event will feature a wide cross-section of presentations by 30 specialists from across the UK and Europe.
    A number of sponsors will also be exhibiting and demonstrating their services and products.
    27th Jun, 2024
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