
Building Conservation Network
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Operating from Lincolnshire and Norfolk, we provide archaeological services across the East Midlands and East Anglia ...
Operating from Lincolnshire and Norfolk, we provide archaeological services across the East Midlands and East Anglia

The majority of our projects are commissioned on a commercial basis, to provide information in support of planning applications, or as measures to mitigate the impact of development upon the archaeological resource. We comply with all published guidelines and standards for archaeological work and our reports are accepted by specialist advisers to all of the planning authorities in our core areas of Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Peterborough and Northamptonshire.

We carry out desk-based assessments, heritage statements, environmental impact assessments, trial trench evaluations, surveys, excavations and historic buildings recording.

For a free written quotation for your project please use the contact details opposite. To establish the scope of work we usually require details of the precise requirements of the planning authority (often set out in a brief issued by their archaeological adviser) and the nature of the project, preferably including plans showing the main areas of potential ground disturbance.
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