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The AHSS is a Scottish charity dedicated to the protection, preservation, study and appreciation of Scotland’s historic buildings.We have around 1000 members throughout Scotland and beyond, with six regional groups organising local activities and carrying out casework. We are supported by a fantastic network of volunteers without whom we could not operate.
People - The Society is managed by an elected Council of Trustees, assisted by our Administrator, with guidance from our President, Chairman and Treasurer. In 1992 the Society introduced the honorary position of Fellow, for those who have served the objects of the society with distinction. Constitution - The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland’s established objectives are the advancement of education, the advancement of heritage and the advancement of environmental protection or improvement by encouraging the protection, preservation, study and appreciation of the following where these are of merit or historic interest and situated in Scotland: (a) buildings and their associated furnishings together with their settings; (b) gardens and designed landscapes; (c) town-layouts. |
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