
Building Conservation Network
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The Scottish Civic Trust was set up in 1967, to help people connect to their built heritage and take a leading role in guiding its development. In its infancy, it successfully campaigned for the restoration of Edinburgh’s New Town, was instrumental in the revitalisation of New Lanark and can also claim credit for bringing Doors Open Days to the United Kingdom.

Through supporting amenity groups, the Trust’s original objectives were:

- Well-informed public concern for the environment of town and country
- High quality in planning and in new architecture
- The conservation and, where necessary, adaptation for re-use of older buildings of distinction or historic interest
- Knowledgeable and therefore effective comment in planning matters
- The elimination of ugliness, whether resulting from social deprivation, bad design or neglect

Broadly speaking, we are still working towards the same objectives today.

We have a small staff team that works hard to achieve our objectives, working under the guidance of our Board. Everything we do centres around the following core values:

- We are robust and independent in advocating for Scotland’s places and spaces
- We are positive about the future of the built environment
- We lead thinking on Scotland’s civic spaces
- We collaborate across the heritage sector and beyond to develop ideas that tackle exclusion
- We support community groups looking after their locality

We are proud to represent Scotland’s civic sector and strive to ensure our amenity groups are active, empowered, and educated to make a difference in their locality.

We are fortunate to own our own eighteenth century townhouse in Glasgow, where we have maintained our offices since 1995. To celebrate 25 years of calling Tobacco Merchant’s House home, the Trust launched its “Written in Stone” campaign on 12th October 2020. The campaign seeks to establish a capital fund to cover the cost of future major repair works and ensure the preservation of this historic gem and the many stories held within its walls. We invite all with a passion for Scotland’s buildings and civic movement to contribute to the Written in Stone campaign by leaving a gift in their Will to protect the Tobacco Merchant’s House for future generations.
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