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Everyone has driven or walked past a forlorn and unloved historic building at some time. You may have wondered why it is...
Everyone has driven or walked past a forlorn and unloved historic building at some time. You may have wondered why it isn’t being used or why someone doesn’t do something with it. The answer is often complex and the solutions equally so. It takes a special group of people to identify a way forward and restore these buildings to the benefit of the community.

Scottish Historic Buildings Trust (SHBT) is a dynamic and innovative charity that does just that. It is dedicated to regenerating significant historic buildings for the benefit of others throughout the whole of Scotland.
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  • Post War Hospitals

    Harriet Richardson Blakeman is a PhD student funded by the AHRC’s Doctoral Training Partnership. She worked at the National Monuments Record of Scotland in 1988-9, before embarking on a survey of Scottish Hospitals on a two-year project funded by the Scottish Research Council, which resulted in t...
    Harriet Richardson Blakeman is a PhD student funded by the AHRC’s Doctoral Training Partnership. She worked at the National Monuments Record of Scotland in 1988-9, before embarking on a survey of Scottish Hospitals on a two-year project funded by the Scottish Research Council, which resulted in the publication of Building up our Health: the architecture of Scotland’s historic hospitals, (2010). In her lecture, Harriet will survey key examples of post-war hospitals, reflecting on the significance of this building type and also some of the reasons why they are underappreciated.
    16th Jan, 2024
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