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ARB was established by Parliament in 1997 to regulate the architects’ profession in the UK. We are an independent, public interest body and our work in regulating architects ensures that good standards within the profession are consistently maintained for the benefit of the public and architects alike.
Our duties are contained in the 1997 Architects Act, and cover six main areas: - Prescribing – or ‘recognising’ – the qualifications needed to become an architect - Keeping the UK Register of Architects - Ensuring that architects meet our standards for conduct and practice - Investigating complaints about an architect’s conduct or competence - Making sure that only people on our Register offer their services as an architect. - Acting as the UK’s regulatory authority for architects Our work is overseen by a Board of 11 members all appointed by the Privy Council. This includes one independent, non-executive Chair and ten non-executive Board members made up of five members of the public and five architects. |
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