
Building Conservation Network
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Our Mission

“The encouragement, advancement and furtherance of the study and knowledge of the antiquities and history of this and other countries.” The Society of Antiquaries of London Royal Charter (1751).

Our Values - Fellowship, Conservation, Research and Dissemination

The Society of Antiquaries of London is an educational charity that promotes understanding of the human past and recognises distinction in this field through election to its Fellowship.

The Society was founded in 1707 and today our 3,000 Fellows include many distinguished archaeologists and art and architectural historians holding positions of responsibility across the cultural heritage. The Fellowship is international in its reach and its interests are inclusive of all aspects of the material past.

As a registered charity (207237), the Society’s principal objectives are to foster public understanding of that heritage, to support research and communicate the results and to engage in the formulation of public policy on the care of our historic environment and cultural property.

We support those charitable objectives on a daily basis through our Library and Museum collections (at Burlington House and at Kelmscott Manor), through our conservation and research grant awards, our programme of events (lectures and seminars), communications such as publications, our website and our e-newsletter.

The Society of Antiquaries receives no direct support from public funds.

Our Strategic Objectives

- To conserve and develop the research and educational potential of the buildings, collections and library at Burlington House and Kelmscott Manor and to make these resources more accessible to Fellows and the wider public.
- To engage, enthuse and foster the Fellowship and staff in pursuing the aims of the Society to further our understanding of the past and influence the heritage sector and the general public.
- To ensure the Society remains fit to meet its objectives now and in the future.
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