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Philip Hughes Associates was founded in 1982 and is dedicated to the repair and conservation of historic buildings. The practice has grown gradually and employs both architects and surveyors with a partnership being formed from April 2019. The team is highly motivated and committed to providing clients with an individual service whilst striving for excellence in the care of historic buildings.
Work undertaken by the practice predominantly involves the analysis, maintenance, repair and conservation of historic buildings including the preparation of reports on the condition of buildings and investigation of specific defects. Projects regularly involve elements of new design - these are carefully managed to respect the historic setting and fabric of the existing building. The practice has a particular interest in sustainability, reuse and working with traditional materials to minimise environmental impact. The philosophy of repair adopted by the practice is in line with the principles of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Every effort is made to retain and conserve historic fabric. Repairs are undertaken using traditional techniques, although modern conservation systems are not precluded. The whole PHA team are deeply committed to the conservation of the historic environment. Two members of the practice are former SPAB scholars and four others have post graduate diplomas in conservation. Two members of the practice have previously worked for National Amenity Societies and all have membership of a range of societies and organisations related to historic building conservation, including voluntary roles for a number of societies and trusts. Projects range from structural repairs of small agricultural buildings to highly specialist conservation work on large country houses and churches. Most projects involve preparation of condition reports, agreement of phased programmes of work, preparation of proposals (often including elements of new design), specification, tendering, contract administration and budgetary control. Clients include The National Trust, English Heritage, The Churches Conservation Trust, Building Preservation Trusts, Councils and PCCs as well as many private clients. |
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