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The seaside piers around the coast of Britain stand as a powerful reminder of the achievements of Victorian engineers and entrepreneurs. However, of the 100 piers that once graced our coastline, only half survive, and several of these face an uncertain future.
The National Piers Society is a non-profit making registered charity which was founded in 1979 under Sir John Betjeman, at a time when some of the finest piers were threatened with demolition. Over the years the National Piers Society has grown steadily and has become well established as the leading authority on seaside piers. Through the Society’s efforts several piers, that would otherwise have vanished, remain for the enjoyment of everyone. The Society’s aim is to promote and sustain interest in the preservation, building and continued enjoyment of seaside piers. The National Piers Society advises heritage bodies, local authorities, pier owners, national government, and the media on pier-related matters. The Society maintains links with the British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions (representing pier owners) and the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society, whose vessels operate excursions from pier landing stages. National Piers Society members (see the Membership page for further details) receive the quarterly journal ‘PIERS’ which is published by the Society and features all the latest pier news and events, historical features and richly illustrated articles which are of interest to pier lovers everywhere. The Society’s members choose a Pier Of The Year every spring and a triennial award for engineering achievement in pier restoration (The Peter Mason Award) is made by an advisory panel of experts. The Society also organises visits and talks and holds its Annual General Meeting in a different pier resort each year. In the longer term the Society wishes to establish a network of regional branches and a National Piers Museum. The National Piers Society is run by a small number of volunteers. For more information about the Executive Committee members please see below. If you would like to contribute to the Society or join the Executive Committee then please do get in touch. We’d like to receive any feedback you may have about the website or our society, please contact us. |
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