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Allchimneys are trained and registered with NACS (National Association of Chimney Sweeps) and can provide a fully insured and certified chimney sweeping service.
Here are some of the chimney sweeping and flue cleaning services that we provide: - Chimney sweeping of flues for open fires (gas and solid fuel) - Sweeping of chimney liners installed to solid fuel stoves and log burners - Chimney cleaning for flue systems connected to Arga solid fuel kitchen appliances - Issuing certificates of chimney sweeping to Gas safe Engineers prior to gas appliance installation - Bird nest removal by use of chimney sweeping rods - Chimney flue smoke testing and inspection of flues - Supply and install of chimney rain caps, cowls, chimney bird guards and cappings - Chimney sweeping and testing certificates issues prior to chimney lining and stove installations If you have any more questions about our chimney sweeps or chimney sweeping services contact us now |
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