
Building Conservation Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
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Evans Conservation is a Kent based company specialising in the conservation of historic buildings. We use traditional skills and materials to conserve our cultural heritage.

Conserving and carrying out repairs to historic buildings requires an in-depth understanding of how the building was originally constructed and an ability to identify and understand the changes which have been made over time. Applying our broad experience and deep expertise to your home we discover and reveal the unique story of your building through time. Our detailed knowledge of traditional methods and materials enables us to specify works and carry out repairs which continue and support the long history of your building and make sure that your chapter in their story is a great one!

​Sympathetic Repair – by understanding how your building was originally constructed and of course any subsequent historical repairs we can make sure that the appropriate materials are used and used correctly.

​Environmental Controls – the vast majority of ‘problems’ in historic buildings are caused by poor workmanship or use of inappropriate materials which result from a lack of understanding. These problems are easily remedied by understanding how traditional buildings were designed so that the building fabric can be preserved without resorting to chemical treatments.

Continued Support – Our passion for what we do goes beyond just ‘finishing the job’; we take responsibility for the future well-being of your building and our heritage. We aim to leave you confident and comfortable with a deepened understanding of your historic building yet at the same time offer ongoing support, consultancy and maintenance schedules.

​‘Much more than just bricks and mortar…
it's a story waiting to be told…’

​Part of the thrill of owning an historic building is gradually learning about and discovering the unique story of your home. Bringing our experience, expertise and enthusiasm to the process of joining and assisting you in digging deeper into the uniqueness of your home and its place in our history.

From discovering the more obvious historical features such as structural alterations and historic additions right down to the smaller details of carpenter’s marks, re-used timbers and traditional tool marks every building is full of clues telling it’s own individual story.
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