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2021 was a successful year for the Trust with 38 bells re-located. We would like to express our thanks to all those people who have and continue to help us. Without your help we would not have known about many of the surplus/redundant bells which are being or about to be used once again in other churches.
9th June 2019 - Our “Church index” projects are now downloadable PDF files and no longer individual web pages. They are organised by Country apart from England which is by County. Information Required: If you know of any surplus or redundant bells (including cases where church closure is likely) please send us an email. We rely on this information to acquire bells using our Bell Rescue Fund. The art and science of ringing bells in a seemingly endless variety of sequences with a distinct and regular beat has developed over several centuries in the United Kingdom, and is recognised as being distinctly British. The sound of this type of ringing is an established and valued part of our national heritage. The continuation and further development of this unique tradition depends entirely on the use of bells in Church towers. Through ringing of its bells the Church can become a focus of pride for the whole community. English style bell-ringing is not restricted to the United Kingdom. There are established ringing societies in Africa, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and the USA. For centuries Churches have augmented their peal of bells or installed a peal of bells. Most bells are newly cast, but an increasing number are “recycled” from other churches. The Trust helps Churches acquire surplus or redundant bells which will be hung for English-style bell-ringing. |
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