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The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) was founded in 1965 at Warsaw (Poland), one year after the signature of the International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, known as the "Venice Charter". ICOMOS is an association of over 9000 cultural heritage professionals present in over 120 countries throughout the world, working for the conservation and protection of monuments and sites the only global non-government organisation of its kind.
It benefits from the cross-disciplinary exchange of its members architects, archaeologists, art historians, engineers, historians, planners, who foster improved heritage conservation standards and techniques for all forms of cultural properties: buildings, historic towns, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, etc. ICOMOS is officially recognized as an advisory body to UNESCO, actively contributing to the World Heritage Committee and taking part in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. It also runs 28 specialised International Scientific Committees on a variety of subjects. The ICOMOS International Secretariat and its specialized Documentation Centre are located in Paris (France) for further information consult our web site |
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