The Archaeology Service maintains the Historic Environment Record, more commonly referred to as the HER, for Aberdeenshi...
The Archaeology Service maintains the Historic Environment Record, more commonly referred to as the HER, for Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, Angus and Moray Councils. (These were formerly known as the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR)).
Access the Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, Angus or Moray online summary HER databases
The full versions of the databases are held in the office by the Service and contain information on over 40,000 sites of archaeological and historical interest ranging from Mesolithic flints to airfields of World War II. The information consists of a computerised database linked to a GIS (Geographical Information System) with further physical records of maps, photographs, articles and reports.
The databases are updated regularly with all new discoveries.
You can search the online summary versions of the Aberdeenshire HER, Aberdeen City HER, Angus HER and the Moray HER databases to find out about a wide variety of sites, from well-known and regularly visited ones to less obvious landscape features such as cropmarks.