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The English Stone Forum works in support of the production and use of English building stone. This includes promotion, p...
The English Stone Forum works in support of the production and use of English building stone. This includes promotion, publicity, research and professional and craft training.

Working to

- encourage greater public interest in and awareness of the stone built heritage of England and the threats it faces
- encourage the use of English stone for the public benefit and to
- ensure the availability of the stone required for the maintenance of the built heritage and new build

The English Stone Forum consists of representatives of nine organisations

- British Geological Survey
- Building Research Establishment
- Historic England
- Institute of Historic Building Conservation
- Heritage Lottery Fund
- National Stone Centre
- Stone Federation Great Britain
- Stone Roofing Association
- Mineral Products Association.

It is chaired by Terry Hughes of the Stone Roofing Association. Alison Henry of Historic England is the secretary.

e chair rotates amongst members and is governed by representatives of the British Geological Survey, English Heritage, the IHBC and others.
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