
Building Conservation Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
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Edinburgh World Heritage is an independent charity with the aim of ensuring the city’s World Heritage status is a dynamic force that benefits everyone. Our mission is to connect people to their heritage in everything we do – whether through the conservation of historic buildings, delivering improvements to the public realm, or engaging people directly with the rich heritage of their city. We are funded partly by Historic Environment Scotland, as well as a number of other public bodies, and a wide range of individual and corporate supporters.

Edinburgh World Heritage was created in 1999 through a merger of the Edinburgh Old Town Renewal Trust and the Edinburgh New Town Conservation Committee. The organisation is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in Scotland No. SC195077, Scottish Charity No. SC037183.

What We Do

- Champion and represent the World Heritage Site and to monitor its state of conservation as required by UNESCO
- Co-ordinate action, through the Management Plan, to protect and enhance the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site and to promote its harmonious adaptation to the needs of contemporary life
- Conserve and enhance the historic fabric and historic environment of the World Heritage Site through a programme of financial assistance
- Be exemplars in the field of conservation by developing and sharing specialist knowledge, setting standards for quality of workmanship, providing advice, promoting research and facilitating the conservation work of individuals and organisations
- Build awareness of the World Heritage Site and to engender a sense of custodianship and secure long term support by promoting enjoyment, understanding and appreciation of its value and significance

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