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EARTHA was formed in 1994 to encourage a wider understanding of the importance of the region's heritage of solid earth buildings (clay lump, pise, shuttered cob and cob) and earth daub walls (wattle & daub).
Eartha welcomes all those who have a passion for and want a greater understanding of earth building in all its forms including: the conservation and repair of existing earth buildings, the construction of new earth buildings and the promotion of earth and other natural materials for a more sustainable and healthier built environment. Since 1994, EARTHA has been active in: - Establishing a network of professionals and craftsmen and women who have an interest in the study, maintenance and promotion of earth buildings in East Anglia. - Providing a forum for discussion of issues relating to earth building in East Anglia - Providing advice on repair and maintenance of earth buildings through its membership. - Establishing links with groups and individuals working with earth buildings in other parts of Britain and abroad - Publishing technical papers that cover various aspects of earth construction repair and maintenance. - Encouraging and supporting training in the field of earth building and associated skills - Encouraging the development of earth building techniques for new buildings. - Investigating the potential of earth construction as a low energy, low environmental impact building technique |
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