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DOCOMOMO (International Working Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement) is a voluntary organisation concerned with the protection of buildings of the Modern Movement.
Towards the end of the twentieth century many modern movement buildings were demolished, at risk or had changed beyond all recognition. Docomomo International was founded in the Netherlands as a non-profit organization in the late 1980s, and there are now over 60 national and regional Docomomo organisations worldwide. Docomomo UK is a non-profit organization that is run on a voluntary basis. You don’t need to be an architect to join, just enthusiastic about the Modern Movement. Docomomo International forms the nexus of over 60 national and regional organisations. It organizes an international biennial conference, co-ordinates specialist committees, and publishes a biannual expert journal. Their website can be reached here. Docomomo’s main goals are brought together in the Eindhoven statement which was issued at the conclusion of the founding conference in 1990: - Bring the significance of the modern movement to the attention of the public, the authorities, the professionals and the educational community concerned with the built environment. - Identify and promote the recording of the works of the modern movement, including a register, drawings, photographs, archives and other documents. - Foster the development of appropriate techniques and methods of conservation and disseminate this knowledge throughout the professions. - Oppose destruction and disfigurement of significant works of the modern movement. - Identify and attract funding for documentation and conservation. - Explore and develop the knowledge of the modern movement. Docomomo UK organizes events through a working party of volunteers and new input is always welcome. If you would like to contribute your time, or have ideas for new events please contact us here. |
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