
Building Conservation Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

8th May, 2024 9:30AM


8th May, 2024 5:00PM

Event Description:
If you work in building conservation, have you ever wanted the chance to peel back the layers on someone else’s repair project and reveal the thinking behind each step?

As the exterior repairs at our Old House Project come to an end, join us for this one-off day of CPD exploring the SPAB Approach in action on our most challenging repair project to date.

You’ll hear from key specialists involved in this award-winning repair project, including the lead architect, structural engineer, project manager, contractor, and specialist craftspeople. Through talks, discussions and demonstrations, you’ll get an unvarnished view of the challenges they faced, the considerations they juggled, and the sometimes-unconventional solutions they adopted to bring this Grade II* listed ‘building at risk’ back to life.

Whether you’re an architect, engineer, surveyor or other professional, you should end the day with fresh connections, new ideas, and learnings you can take forward on projects of your own.
Who is this course for?

This one-day course is perfect for building conservation specialists, including architects, engineers and building surveyors.
You will learn

-The key principles of the SPAB Approach to building conservation, with real-world case studies to show what this looks like in practice.
-How specialist appraisals, investigations and monitoring systems can be used to develop low-intervention structural recommendations.
-The approaches you can take to develop design solutions that are sensitive to both the building’s historic fabric and the needs of its future occupants.
-The different repair options that may be available to you on a project like this, and how to collaborate with other professionals and specialist craftspeople to put them into practice.
Event Fee:
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