
Building Conservation Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
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CAHP is a professional organization that serves qualified heritage professionals in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. CAHP establishes standards of practice, shares knowledge about heritage conservation, and supports the involvement of heritage professionals whenever places of heritage value are being identified, preserved, restored and rehabilitated. As part of its mandate, the organization also fosters and promotes public and legislative support for heritage conservation.

CAHP members are specialists in a wide variety of fields, such as conservation architecture, planning, history, archaeology, landscape architecture and engineering. Please see the Professional Directory for a list of membership specialties.

Our membership and activities are supported by a national office, committees, regional chapters, and a Board of Directors. CAHP is proud of the level of involvement by its members in the organization through work on committees, writing the newsletter, participating in conferences and sponsorships.

CAHP has defined a heritage professional as the following:

" A Heritage Professional is a person who has specialized knowledge in the conservation and stewardship of cultural heritage and is supported by formal training and/or work experience. The Professional conforms to accepted technical and ethical standards and works in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of their specialty heritage fields and jurisdictions of practice. 2

CAHP Objectives:

- Represent members who are professionally and actively engaged in the identification, conservation, preservation, interpretation and sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage
- Establish and maintain principles and standards of practice for heritage consultants
- Enhance the qualifications of Members
- Promote services of Members through various means, including providing a Directory of CAHP Professionals
- Foster sharing and knowledge about the heritage profession and practices within the membership and with the broader public through conferences, meetings, newsletters and other forms of outreach
- Promote the value of heritage preservation and conservation

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