
Building Conservation Network
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Richard Ireland is the UK's leading conservator of historic plaster and paint. He operates principally as an independent consultant and practitioner but also advises for public bodies including English Heritage, Historic Royal Palaces, Office of Public Works Ireland, National Trust, Historic Scotland and Ecclesiastical organisations.

Specialising in plain and decorative plaster, internal and external finishes, paint analysis, and the reinstatement of historic schemes, Richard's projects typically involve a combination of archaeological investigation, scientific analysis, and contextual historic research.
He also teaches and lectures in his subject and is widely published.

Richard's role in the guardianship of important buildings has received considerable recognition. Having worked at the forefront of the groundbreaking restoration of Uppark House in the 1990s, Richard became chairman of the Traditional Paint Forum, received the Honorary Freedom of The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers, and was awarded the Freedom of the City of London. His projects encompass a diverse spectrum of historically significant buildings, from small farmhouse interiors, to major works such as the British Museum and The Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem.
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