
Building Conservation Network
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World Heritage Sites are places from all around the world that are considered so important for the shared understanding and future of our planet we should look after them forever. There are more than 1100 Sites globally, some are natural like the Great Barrier Reef or the Serengeti, and many are man-made like Stonehenge or the Taj Mahal. World Heritage Sites are identified by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), but looked after locally.

Our Vision is that the United Kingdom will have a coherent approach to World Heritage Sites that is better known and understood, and supported through sustainable funding, so that the Outstanding Universal Values of the Sites can provide inspiration, learning and enjoyment for society and contribute to the UK’s standing in the world.

Our Mission is to raise the profile and secure the future of the UK collection of World Heritage Sites by advocating for support, resources and recognition, facilitating learning and networking, and promoting the Sites and their values.

The UK currently has 33 World Heritage Sites and more sites progressing towards World Heritage Site status. All of them contribute to the story of humankind and our planet.
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