
Building Conservation Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
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ATLAS has been representing the leading companies in the lightning protection and specialist access at height sectors since 1946. Celebrating the highest standards for over 75 years, ATLAS is at the forefront of industry developments and committed to improving working practices, technical excellence and the skills of the workforce to provide the highest quality service to the industry’s clients.

To celebrate ATLAS’ 75th Anniversary, ATLAS has launched a video which takes you through 75 years of ATLAS history. ATLAS compares landmarks in its history to worldwide events, including when England won the World Cup!

ATLAS works with a range of key stakeholders including the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), British Standards Institution (BSI), Build UK, and Access Industry Forum (AIF) to influence decisions, raise standards and shape the business environment for the benefit of its members.

With Unite the Union, ATLAS operates a National Joint Council which agrees terms and conditions for the industry’s workforce. With CITB, it created and supports a dedicated industry Training Group (the Steeplejack and Lightning Protection Training Group (SLPTG)) to provide training and qualifications tailored to the needs of the industry, including apprenticeship programmes offering a formal training route for new entrants.

Originally formed as the National Federation of Master Steeplejacks & Lightning Conductor Engineers (NFMS&LCE) in 2003, the organisation became ATLAS. With an established track record, ATLAS is unrivalled when it comes to providing experience in lightning protection and specialist access solutions, with members leading the way in health and safety, technical innovation and training and skills.
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