
Building Conservation Network
Period Property Restoration and Conservation
Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

8th May, 2022 12:00PM

Event Description:
The Irish Georgian Society and Dublin City Council have assembled a team of conservation experts to present a series of talks on the history and significance of Dublin’s period houses and practical advice on their conservation. Attendance at the talks will greatly benefit owners of all periods and types of houses, from the modest Edwardian artisan dwelling to the substantial red-bricks of the Victorian suburbs and the fine townhouses of our Georgian city squares, providing an ‘A to Z’ for their care and conservation.

It is possible to book talks individually (€15 each) or book for the whole course for a discounted rate (€140).

Talk subscribers will be able to attend the live talk using a Zoom webinar link at 1pm each Tuesday. There will be an opportunity at the end of each talk to ask conservation questions relevant to your period house through the Q&A chat function. All subscribers will also be sent a link to the recording of the webinar, which will be available to watch for a further week.
Event Fee:
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